英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

【Self talk in English】 Putting your current situation and feelings into words. 《Eigo-jiru vol.11》

With this blog post, I would like you to express your current "situation" and "feelings" by applying the method of "self-talk" whose environment is free from the pressure of confronting other people.
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

勇気を出して、英語で自分の今の状態や気持ちを声にしてみよう!《英語汁 第11号》

英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

Present continuous & Present perfect examples for self-talk! 《Eigo-jiru vol.10》

In this article, the "Present continuous" and the "Present perfect", which are both essential element for our daily "self-talk" practice, are being explained with several example sentences.
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

英語の現在進行形と現在完了形で独り言をつぶやく!《英語汁 第10号》

英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

【English future tense】 Understanding when to apply 3 different forms!《Eigo-jiru vol.9》

We are going to have a look at some example sentences to see when these types form of future tense... ① will, ② be going to, ③ be + doing are to be applied with this blog post.
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

【英語の未来表現】3つのカタチを頭に入れて使いこなす!!! 《英語汁 第9号》

英語の未来表現に使われる3つのカタチ、① will, ② be going to, ③ be + doing がどんな時に使われるかを、例文とともに見ていきます。
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

The quickest way to develop your speaking skills is to spare some time for “self-talk” daily! 《Eigo-jiru vol.8》

There are several ways of "self-talk" practice to develop your speaking skills, and with this blog post, I am introducing one method which is to spare a certain length of time per day transforming yourself into an earthling and speak the earthling's language (English).
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

英会話上達への最短の方法は、1日のうちに日本人をやめて地球人になる時間を作ることにアリ!《英語汁 第8号》

英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

【Talk to yourself in English?】Making a habit of “self-talk” and what you will get from it. 《Eigo-jiru vol.7》

Once you have made a habit of “self-talk”, bringing your English-speaking level up to the stage where you can comfortably deal with daily affairs is not a mission impossible at all. Here is a simple idea for you to start with...
英語汁 / Eigo-jiru

「独り言英語」その絶大な効果と習慣化させるためのアイデア《英語汁 第7号》

「独り言で英語を話す」ということを1日の中に習慣として取り入れることで、実際に頭の中で何が起こり始めるか? って事と「独り言英語」を習慣化させるためのちょっとしたアイデアが書かれています。